“We” by Charles A. Lindbergh

First published in 1927 just shortly after his famous flight, the book is now available again in reprint still including original introduction and forewords. And it is in this foreword from Myron T. Herrick (US Embassy 1927) where Charlese Lindbergh and his adventure are probably best described: “He started with no purpose but to arrive, he remained with no desire but to serve, he sought nothing, he was offered all.”

To be honest, I was a bit dissappointed by this one. I was hoping for a detailed description of Charles’ famous flight as well as about all the preparation- but after 200 pages about his childhood, youngster year’s as barnstormer and flight training with the army, the New York – Paris adventure covers all of roughly 20 pages. However, the book still gives insights about the times and especially the personality of Lindbergh. He comes across as a serious youngster, focussed, friendly but determined. And this can also be seen in his text. Considering as well that he wrote “we” in a hurry as he was not happy with another version written by the press, it is understandable that he wants to cut it short and to the point, combining his own down playing of achievements with his down to earth and fact based personality.
And if you set your expecations right (so wanting to know abouot Charles as a person and his early years of training and experiences), then this book is definitely worth reading.
And then the second part by Fitzhugh Green, following Lindbergh’s success in the different countries and cities, recalling him being welcomed by thousands in public greetings, meeting the important and famous of the days, shaking hands with kings, ambassadors and presidents alike is a special bonus. Green recites from speeches held and Lindbergh’s presentations given – and it becomes clear cones more: he was certainly an impressive character, not only a dare devil pilot but also a skilled and successful politician bringing Europe and America closer together and making aviation famous to a wide public.

ISBN 978 4 87187 633 9


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